Botswana Safaris

Game Drives, night & day, on Safari in Botswana

The predominant activity on any safari holiday is game drives. If this is an inclusive activity at the camp you are staying at there will usually be one in the morning and another late afternoon. These are usually between 3 and 4 hours. The afternoon one will continue for an hour of so after sunset if you are on a private concession. Please note that in the national reserves you are not allowed to move around at night.

These drives will be broken up by a coffee break in the morning and sundowners in the bush in the evening.

The wildlife is of course the biggest attraction on safari. Botswana, particularly to the north, offers some of the best opportunities for sightings in the whole of Africa.

What you will see depends on a number of factors. The area and the time of year are the main issues. The weather; if it is raining the animals will of course shelter. The standard of your guide is very important. We only recommend companies whose guides are the finest in the business.

safari drives in botswana

Game Drives in Botswana